Monday, 23 March 2009

After discussing ways of using text, I was looking at calligrammes by poets such as Apollinaire, where the text forms a picture relevant to
the text. Unfortunately these seem to be mostly in French! but here
is one -

& after going to the Harvey gallery and talking about putting poetry together with images, I suddenly remembered two books which I have had for years and all but forgotten about, by Heathcote Williams. They are "Whale Nation" and "Autogeddon" and they are basically books of photographs with interspersed verse, which work together really powerfully and I can't express how good I think they are. Anyway I have copies that anyone can borrow/look at. They would be of interest to anyone into poetry or photography or green issues.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I'd really like to see those! I'm working on a project with an ecological theme and trying to use nature books as source texts.